niedziela, 7 lutego 2010


I've got a horn, quite old, quite small and not very pretty. It comes straight from the polish cow ;-) And I found it as a very good material to learn - how to prepare a horn. My horn is clean, desinfected and chafed with an abrasive paper.

I knew that a horn should be filled with wax inside, so I bought 3 candles made from beeswax.

I cut the candle along, take out the wick and tear the rest of wax for a small pieces.

I prepare a "hot wash" - so I put some empty pots to the big pot with a boiling water.

I put the waxscraps inside the smaller pots and wait until everything is liquefied.

Now I use a brush to "paint" my horn inside with the melted wax.

I used only one candle, but it was enough. I made a few layers of wax inside my horn. It looks like on the photo below:

Next time I'm going to decorate the horn, but now I'll check if wine taste better when it's drinked from that horn :>

(*I realized that my english isn't very well - sorry for all mistakes :-) but I hope it's still understandable :-P)


I'm working on bindrunes, which may help to achieve some succes, defend some barriers and protect an ownership. I'm carving in the very stony oak... Uff... I've broken all my drills til now... But when it's done - it will be a very strong stuff! :-)

środa, 3 lutego 2010

Cold Winter

When I feel cold - I think about FEHU. It's good to sign "feeeoooh" or "fehooo", when you freeze. And it helps to set the bonfire as well :-)
Besides... Fire puryfies. I imagine that a flame is a source, I'm holding my hands upon the fire and I "wash"them in that stream of heat. I feel the warm getting into me, filling me, and I fell much better now.
I wash out my anger and sadness, rinse my hands, flick the reminders of dander. It's clear now. It's gone away. My mind is free and clear, I move on.

czwartek, 28 stycznia 2010

wtorek, 5 stycznia 2010

When You found someone's Runes...

Few Days ago I went to one of my favourite places - Sleza Mountain. During the winter this place looks really amazing. Forest seems to be like from the other world. Definitly magic ;-D
But... Something unusually happened. At the top of the Mountain, in the very old place of worship, I found Runes.

Very moving discovery! And so weird.... I tried to guess, what reasons had a person, which left there those runes... What dreams, needs, emotions? Probably, I will never know... But for me, personally, it was very touching experience. Berkano was the first sign that I saw. And it's a signal for me to move on, realized my planes about a "child". Child is a metaphore for my own company that I wish to run. So maybe now is the time to breed this company? ;-) I believe it is :) And I hope that the position (upside down) of this Rune is not a bad sign... But I feel the warning.

If You wish to see more pics from my trip, here they are.